Bio Submission Form

Please fill out the following form and I will use this information to update your bio page.  You can leave items blank if you wish.  By default I will post your information to this website, but if you prefer that I don't you can indicate so (but old friends will have a harder time contacting you)  Please give your full name (including your maiden name) so that I don't mix things up.


Yes, put my information on this class website

Please DO NOT include my information on the class of '82 website (we will use this information to inform you about upcoming events but not post it to the website)

It is okay to place a scanned yearbook picture on my home page (remember you can email me an updated picture of you/your family and I'll include it too).

Pleas DO NOT put my scanned year book picture on my home page.

E-mail address:

Web page address:

Telephone Number:

Mailing Address:

In this box, please tell us what you have been doing since high school.  Make it as long (or short) as you wish: